Various forms of online gambling are legal in many countries, but not all. In the United States, online gambling is primarily composed of casino games such as poker. In addition to these, some provinces in Canada and some nations in the Caribbean allow for online gambling.
Various states have also considered legislation on online gambling. Some states have passed laws to allow for online poker and horse betting. Others have passed legislation prohibiting online gambling. In addition, several states have rewritten or expanded their laws to include online gambling.
In the United States, the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act was introduced as a bill in the Senate in 1999. The bill was eventually passed and subsequently declared unconstitutional. During the same period, Congress also considered legislation to regulate online gambling. This legislation, the PASPA, was deemed unconstitutional as well.
The Department of Justice also explored the regulatory aspects of online gambling. The equivocal to PASPA was the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection Act of 2013. This bill would create a federal standard to govern the Internet gaming industry. It would also create an office of gambling oversight. It would be tasked with reviewing online gaming regulations, including those in state jurisdictions.
The best way to tell if an online gambling site is legitimate is to check if it has a license from a recognized jurisdiction. If it does, you can bet that they have a decent monitoring system in place to prevent fraud.